Sunday, July 01, 2007

Gambling, Windows and Bikes

What an exciting weekend! Saturday Nick and I took our first trip of the season down to Canterbury Park to bet on the horses. Similar to Friday night's Puerto Rico game, Nick started off better than me, and I finished better than he did, thanks to a lucky bet - I had the best possible ticket for one of the races (#3 to place!). Overall, including the cost of our food at the track, we ended up up $0.70. It was fun and I hope we get to go back again soon.

Also on Saturday, Nick decided to see if he could fix the screens on our sun room windows himself. He bought the supplies and found out it was super easy to do. He got all the screens in yesterday, then today he trimmed off the excess and put in the pins again. All that's left is hanging them up!

To address the third piece of my subject, we also pulled out the bikes and went for a ride today. I found a new feature of Google Maps today (don't know how old it is) - you can drag the lines of the suggested route and change it to whatever you want. Doing this, I was able to determine that we rode about 5 miles. Not bad at all! It was really hot and I'm out of shape, so hopefully we'll go again soon when it's a little cooler out.

On our agenda for tonight: eat pizza and watch the Twins on national TV! Go Twins!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nick, you're turning into a real handyman. (Karin, keep adding to that "Honey-Do" list when he's not looking.)