Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the new blog, I'm glad you were able to find us again. I'm afraid the old blog is going to drift off into the sunset, but that's just the way of the world sometimes. Come back soon to see pictures from our wedding and honeymoon and read about some of the adventures we had - I'll be adding stuff in in between loads of laundry as I try to enjoy my last day of leisure before rejoining the real world and going back to work tomorrow.


Jeff and Heidi said...

I am excited to see pictures!! I hope the honeymoon was a blast!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear all about the honeymoon!!

Erin said...

Blah! Karin erased my comment! O well. Here is a new one. The old one went something like this:

Yeah! - New blog, new sister-in-law
Boo! - Ghosts, new sister-in-law tying to kill me

Yup, something like that.

Karin - BluePip Designs said...

The actual word-for-word comment was the same, although you did use periods at the end of each line.