Monday, May 07, 2007

Crazy Sights of PTC

A tribute to Erin and her new home:

1. Being greeted by approximately 5,000 Lions Club signs upon entering PTC.

2. Driving under a perfectly normal-looking "pedestrian" bridge and then seeing a golf cart drive over it.

3. Golf carts with child seats attached. At least the kids are safe!
3a. Golf carts with small children riding on an adult's lap. Poor kids!
3b. Golf carts full of pre-teens, being driven by a pre-teen. Scary!

4. Kids in a day care playground rolling giant wheels around. Yes, actual wheels from cars.

5. Watching a woman in a red convertible sports car brushing her Shitzu in the drive-through lane of Chick-fil-a.

6. The teenage boy in pink sheep pajama pants when we went out for breakfast.

7. Not really a sight, but on the radio: "And our roasted nuts are free, Free, FREE! You can't beat free nuts on a Saturday!"

8. The guy at the pizza place pulling our pizza out from under the cash register after we paid for it, but going in the back room to pour a fountain drink.

9. A pick-up truck towing a full-size semi flatbed trailer (only loaded with hay, but still, it dwarfed the truck!).

And finally, the "standard of the South":

10. A Waffle House at every exit.


smeets said...

Ah Waffle House, a staple in Georgia. Hope you guys had a good time!

Nick said...

I enjoyed eating at the Waffle House.

steph said...

mmm...pecan waffles are my favorite with well-done hashbrowns (cooked on both sides)

Krista said...

Nic loves Waffle House and the hashbrowns Scattered All the Way!

Erin said...

I Don't remember number 4-kids pushing tires. Did I miss something?

Karin - BluePip Designs said...

You weren't there. It was from when Nick and I were playing disc golf on Friday morning. We kept it secret so there would be some fresh material in the blog for you. It was really a bizarre site.

Justin said...

I'm jealous I didn't get to see any pink sheep pajamas in GA. When are we getting the residents of the sleepy sheepy resort a pair?

Erin said...

I think that would be great! I didn't see the pj either. :( Something was always in the way.

Unknown said...

If you don't want hashbrowns at the Waffle House with your meal you can get sliced tomatoes instead.