Wednesday, January 17, 2007


A big "All-Heart" goes out to the entire Bacos team who played tonight - Bob, Dawn, Rob, Katie, Nick and Karin. Everyone played fantastic volleyball and we won 2 of the 3 games. The second game came down to the wire and we won two challenges by the other team. First that you can kick a ball and second that you have to win by 2. Our loss in game three was close too: 23-25. Most exciting for me was that I served the winning point in the first game (actually the last three) - very rarely do I get to do that :)

We followed volleyball up with a game of Beyond Balderdash, a game which hasn't been drug out since last year's cookie exchange. I narrowly beat Bob out for the win (he got second and Katie third). I love hearing what everyone comes up with (and writing out clues that everyone thinks are real!).

Hopefully I've got a little winning dust left over in my pocket so I can win at poker tomorrow as well.


Karin - BluePip Designs said...

Nope, none at all, although I did get to win twice with my friends the pocket Jacks :) Nick took second so it was a positive night for us.

david said...

I didn't see a post on your old blog that you were leaving it high and dry. I just found this one. I'm a bit behind the times. I better update my links. I have a lot of reading to get caught up on!